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Graduation Ceremony Held in Confucius Institute at Université Paris Ouest

Confucius Institute at Université Paris Ouest was holding graduation ceremony for this academic year on the evening of May 25 and presenting a film-concert when Monsieur Baudime Jam, a French musician, leading French Quatuor Prima Vista, accompanied live the "Goddess", 1930s Chinese silent film. Besides the teachers and students of the university, the well-known sinologists invited were Prof. Marc KALINOWSKI from Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, who is presiding over the translation of the Wujing (The Five Classics), Prof Françoise BOTTERO from French National Center for Scientific Research, etc.

With the music coming from the strings of French Quatuor Prima Vista in front of the screen, the "Goddess" began to show the audience the story of a woman's tragic life in the 1930s in China. The well-known Chinese film actress Lingyu Ruan with her delicate expressions and superb acting demonstrated vividly a Chinese woman's low social status and her noble and selfless maternal love in 1930s in front of the audience.
The original music composed by Monsieur Baudime Jam, outflowing through the strings of the Quatuor Prima Vista, scored with the film story, was sometimes lyrical and sometimes stirring, while the audience were carried away into the mood of the story. Monsieur Baudime Jam’s original melody was harmoniously resonating with the "Goddess", and showed his accurate grasping the essence of the film, which enabled the audience to experience a young French contemporary artist of 20th century interpretation of a Chinese film of 30th of last century with perfectly blending the elements of the East and the West, the classical and the modern.
After the show, the audience stood up and gave to the musicians a prolonged applause to express their appreciation the superb performance and the perfect interpretation of Chinese silent film. The sinologists, university professors, staff, teachers and students of the Confucius Institute and those who are fond of Chinese culture shared their feelings that the classical work would not lost the value with the time, and Mr. Baudime Jam and his colleagues live accompaniment of "Goddess" presented the harmonious resonance of Chinese and Western culture, and brought a new life and a new artistic effect to the silent film

Post of the Film-Concert

Actress and Quatuor Prima Vista

Audience at Théâtre B-M Koltès of the university

Chinese buffet arranged by Confucius Institute before the film-concert